ULS Founding Anniversary Fosters Community Care and Academic Growth in Cabulay

Santiago City, Philippines – The University of La Salette, Inc. (ULS) commemorated its 72nd anniversary by conducting an outreach program for the community. On September 20, 2024, ULS held “Handog ng ULS sa Barangay” in Barangay Cabulay, Santiago City, to spread the message of Our Lady of La Salette while also providing much-needed educational equipment to Cabulay Elementary School students.

Mr. Bernard Joseph L. Ariola, LPT, CHRA, Director of La Salette Pananagutan Center, directed the outreach program, which was a great success. A team of 40 volunteers, including NSTP implementers, extensionists from ULS College of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences, and College of Nursing, Public Health and Midwifery, as well as student volunteers, worked tirelessly to make the program a success.

The ULS delegates were cordially received by Master Teacher Mrs. Venus Hernando, who was representing Cabulay Elementary School, upon their arrival in Barangay Cabulay. She conveyed her appreciation to ULS for their continued support and generosity.
The delivery of school materials to the 497 students at Cabulay Elementary School was the program’s finest hour. It is anticipated that these materials will greatly improve the students’ educational experience and give them the resources they need to succeed academically.

Director of ULS Christian Formation Office, Rev. Fr. Ian P. Ronquillo, MS, blessed the educational materials and encouraged the pupils to use them wisely for their studies. The young learners found inspiration in his words of blessings and encouragement.

The outreach initiative demonstrated ULS’ commitment to social responsibility and empowering young people in the community. ULS has positively impacted the lives of children and people of Barangay Cabulay by providing educational support and instilling a sense of community concern.

#SDG4Quality Education

#SDG8Decent Work and Economic Growth

#SDG12Sustainable Consumption and Production

#SDG17Partnerships and Means of Implementation

By Arjay Jonathan S. Sibalon, MAED

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