Graduate Programs

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Program Offerings

  • Doctor in Business Administration
  • Doctor in Public Administration
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education
    • Major in Science Education
  • Master in Business Management
  • Master of Arts in Education
    • Major in: English, Educational Management, Filipino, Mathematics, Guidance and Counseling, Science, Physical Education, Peace and Reconciliation Studies
  • Master of Arts in Nursing
    • Major in: Nursing Service Administration
  • Master of Science in Nursing
    • Major in: Community Health Nursing, Medical-Surgical Nursing, and Maternal & Child Nursing
  • Master of Arts in Criminology
  • Master of Science in Engineering Management
  • Master of Science in Library and Information Science
  • Master of Science in Public Health
  • Master of Science in Social Work
  • Master of Information Technology

The graduate school strives to develop and form research-oriented students, practitioners and professionals who are well-prepared and mature Christians responsive to the demands of their chosen professions and/or specialized trainings in order that they may contribute to the welfare of the community and to the progress of their professions.


  1. To provide the ambience to develop truly educated, critical, self-directed, effective professional leaders and productive contributors in the solution of problems and issues confronting the society of which he is a part.
  2. To provide necessary competence for nation building in its different aspects; spiritual and religious, socio-economic, civic and cultural at gradually expanding levels: family, community, region, nation.
  3. To improve competence and expertise in teaching, supervision, administration and management.
  4. To promote and maintain productive scholarships and research in all areas.

Admission Policy

  1. Accomplished admission slip and requirements must be personally submitted by the applicant at the Graduate School Office during the enrollment period.
  2. A student who wishes to pursue this doctorate program must be a graduate of master’s program in business education with thesis. If graduate from a non-thesis master’s program, he/she must complete Thesis Writing 1 and Writing 2 prior to the enrollment of major subjects and must submit duly approved thesis.
  3. Courses taken from other university may be credited provided it was taken in the past five years and subject to the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Admission Requirements

  • Official Transcript of Records;
  • Transfer Credential (For Transferee);
  • Photocopy of PSA-issued Birth Certificate;
  • If married, copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) authenticated marriage certificate.
  • Entrance Examination;
  • Two (2) copies of recent 2″ x 2” colored photo;
  • Study Permit (for employed);
  • Affidavit of no employment during the period of enrollment at ULS Graduate School;


Having finished their academic degree at the University of La Salette, the graduates should be:

  1. Transformative Leader. Active involvement in their respective community and organization by championing Salettinian ideals.
  2. Reconciler. Continue to communicate their Salettinian identity and culture through active involvements in the evangelizing ministry of reconciliation in their local communities, work-places and in social organizations.
  3. Industry Competent. Demonstrate their readiness in the arena of and qualification for employment through the established link between theoretical aspect of the curriculum and its practical dimension as a result of their on-the-job training, exposure internship, immersion programs and linkages with relevant industries or workplaces.
  4. Research-Oriented. Keep abreast with current development and trends in all relevant technical/professional knowledge areas for successful adaptation to a changing and complex work through continuing engagement in research projects to contribute to the humanization of world in general, and to the reconciling effects on their relationship with God, with fellow human beings, with society and with nature.
  5. Information and Communication Technology Proficient. Demonstrate contemporary skills applications as they offer innovative solutions in work situations through the employment of new technology and new ways of communication.
  6. Critical Thinker. Engage themselves in critical reflection and communicative discourses on uncritically assimilated assumptions, beliefs, value systems and diverse perspective that need to be collaboratively addressed for an emancipator and integral process of human growth and community building.
  7. Holistic Person. Demonstrate through their attitude, behavior and engagement in synthesis of faith and lived experience, of faith and science; synthesis of cognitive, effective and behavioral aspects of learning; synthesis of cultural and global concerns, and a synthesis of curricular and co-curricular programs.

Graduate School Vision

The Graduate School aspires to be a Catholic graduation education institution of excellence producing graduates who are “Reconcilers” in specialized fields of study for national development.

Graduate School Mision

The Graduate School is committed to provide accessible quality assured outcome-based, research-focused, service-oriented advanced education that transform professionals, managers and leaders into people who serve the poor.

Graduate School Objectives

The Graduate School Strives to:

  1. provide quality , accessible and industry-based academic programs in the area of Business, Criminology, Education, Engineering Management, Information Technology, Library and Information Science, Nursing, Public Administration, Public Health and Social Work that are responsive to the changing need of local, regional, national and global society.
  2. develop expert professionals in specialized knowledge, research, transformational leadership abilities and ICT proficiency for community growth and national development.
  3. produce analytical, critical and creative thinkers capable of conducting research for broadening the field of specialization, advancement of professions and that provide community service.
  4. develop spiritually mature and service-driven leaders who seek moral, ethical, and practical solutions to current issues confronting  the community’s marginalized people in order to improve their quality of life and environmental stewardship.
  5. foster reflective lifelong learners who are committed to staying current in their field of expertise, professional practice and service. 6. promote a culture of reconciliation, act with integrity and practice of the Salettinian core values in professional, civic and social commitments.


Program Educational Objectives

The students of Master of Arts in Education are expected to:

  1. demonstrate theoretical and technical knowledge, skills, and practice in fields of specialization in education such as educational management, English, Filipino, Guidance and Counseling, Mathematics, Physical Education, and Science with the use of information and communication technology.
  2. engage in analytical independent research for the advancement of the Philippine Educational System, professional enhancement and national development.
  3. demonstrate transformative and servant leadership across areas of social and educational change, professional responsibility and community service.
  4. demonstrate desire for self-improvement in their specialized field in education and  service.
  5. uphold Filipino and Salettinian core values in the practice of professions and act in a socially and ethically responsible manner in service.


Program Educational Objectives

The students of the Master in Business Management are expected to: 

  1. demonstrate theoretical and technical knowledge, skills and practice of general and cross-functional management in the field of Business Administration and service with the use of information and communication technology.
  2. engage in analytical independent research for company innovation, entrepreneurial development , professional advancement and national growth.
  3. demonstrate transformative and service leadership in social and economic change, corporate governance and  community engagement  .
  4. demonstrate desire for self-improvement through continuing professional development in the field of business and management and service efficiency.
  5. uphold Filipino and Saletinian core values in the practice of professions and act in a socially and ethically responsible manner in  service.

Program Outcomes

The graduates of Master in Business Management can:

  1. demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, ICT proficiency and expertise in specialized, interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field of business and management for professional practice and service in local and global contexts.
  2. conduct critical self-directed research in corporate management , entrepreneurship, professional enhancement and nation-building.
  3. apply lifelong learning and transformational leadership with a highly substantial degree on interdependence that involves individual work or teams of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary experts.
  4. Apply the acquired competencies of the course in research, professional or creative work and initiating socio-civic activities for human growth and community development.
  5. Uphold the Salettinian ideals, respect and integrity in their daily lives, at home, at work and in the larger society.