Program Offering
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
- Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
The College of Medicine and Allied Medical Programs envisioned health providers who are reconcilers, give competent selfless services to the community, anchored to the moral and ethical principles of the Salettinian core values and harmony with the environment for the society may live life in full.
The College of Medicine and Allied Medical Programs seeks to provide quality education with Catholic values formation from which will evolve scientifically equipped and professionally trained allied health professionals who are cognizant of their future roles in building and maintaining a healthy Christian community. Specifically, it aims:
- To produce graduates, who are academically accomplished and adequately trained in their respective disciplines, thus, empowering them to become competent health care professionals.
- To instill the Christian value formation of the inner self by recognizing the one’s acquired and God-given talents are instruments in the graduates continuing role in the development of a Christ-centered and healthy community.
- To promote genuine concern for the less fortunate members of our society so that our graduates may become witnesses to God’s reconciling Love and Mercy
- To develop a commitment of continuously seeking improvement in the graduates’ quest for better health care delivery by undertaking updates and researches in the ever-changing field of medical and allied medical science.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
Program Outcomes
Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science like any other Health Professions Education must be able to apply analytical and critical thinking in clinical laboratory:
- demonstrate technical competence in the performance of clinical laboratory tests in aid of diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases vis-a-vis biosafety and waste management;
- demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills in the workplace;
- engage in the collection, analysis, and projection of health information for improving the health care management system;
- demonstrate inter-personal skills, leadership qualities, and ethical practice of the profession;
- apply research skills in relevant areas of Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science practice;
- participate in community-oriented activities;
- engage in life-long learning activities; and
- demonstrate effective teaching and communication skills.
Program Goals
For the graduates to:
- develop the knowledge, skills, professional attitudes and value in the performance of clinical laboratory procedures needed to help the physician in the proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention of diseases;
- acquire critical thinking skills in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science
- engage in research and community-related activities
- participate in activities related to promoting the profession and actively engage in life-long learning undertakings; and develop collaborative and leadership qualities
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
Program Outcomes
The main concern of Pharmacy Education is to provide the country with pharmacists who are scientifically competent to deliver the full spectrum of pharmaceutical services required in health care delivery. After finishing the program, the graduate shall have acquired and developed the knowledge, skills, aptitude and competencies in:
- Conducting scientific research methods and processes;
- Developing drugs for prevention, diagnosis, mitigation and treatment of diseases of man and animals;
- Identifying, compounding, manufacturing, storing and dispensing drugs;
- Managing drug establishments based on sound entrepreneurial practice;
- Providing pharmaceutical care as well as counseling clients in the proper use of both prescribed and patient chosen medication;
- Providing drug and health related information;
- Advocating professional and ethical pharmacy practice;
- Contributing to the overall social, mental, emotional and physical health of individuals, communities and the country
Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
Program Outcomes
Graduates of BSPT are expected to be able to perform any of the following roles:
- Apply knowledge of physical sciences, social sciences, health sciences and natural sciences to the practice of physical therapy.
- Demonstrate consistent competence in conducting a comprehensive examination, evaluation, and assessment of patients/clients across the lifespan within a broad continuum of care.
- Demonstrate consistent competence in planning and implementing appropriate physical therapy interventions for patients/clients across the lifespan within a broad continuum of care.
- Apply teaching- learning principles in different learning environments management leadership skills in various settings.
- Practice beginning management and leadership skills in various practice settings.
- Demonstrate research-related skills in the application of best practice evidence in the performance of various roles in different practice settings
- Promote health and improved quality of life through the practice of the profession.
- Actively engage in lifelong learning activities.
- Work effectively in an inter-professional collaborative setting.
- Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication skills as well as reading and listening.
- Demonstrate social and professional responsibility and ethical behaviors in multi-cultural settings and scenarios.
- Maximize the use of innovative technology in practice of the profession.
Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology
Program Outcomes
Graduates of the BS Radiologic Technology program equipped with relevant knowledge, skills, attitude and values shall be able to:
- Acquire and develop knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills necessary to contribute to the overall social, mental, and physical health of the community and country.
- Respond to the technological advancement in the field of Radiologic Sciences thru research and continuing professional development.
- Identify the elements of patient care and management as they relate to the radiography.
- Demonstrate and developed skills in patient identification and observation, transfer and control of infection, observation of vital signs, and identification and management of emergence situation.