- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Social Work
The College of Arts and Sciences through its highly competent faculty and staff is committed to provide students with an excellent holistic Salettinian education in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Disciplines to develop and nurture a vision for a transformed community.
The College of Arts and Sciences shall serve the students and the community by offering quality curricular and co-curricular programs in the discipline imbued with Salettinian values and with a clear understanding of their Filipino heritage.
Specifically, the College of Arts and Sciences aims to:
- provide relevant and innovative teaching and learning experiences in the general education and professional courses geared towards the development of Salettinian values and core competencies;
- encourage the quest for a deeper understanding of the human experience and fosters a personal commitment to lifelong learning, intellectual growth, and the enduring values of the liberal arts;
- create an intellectual environment that enhances individual growth and supports scholarly activities and creative endeavors that augment students’ analytical and critical skills, creative abilities, and a sense of social and civic responsibility needed in an increasingly globalized world;
- create and strengthen linkages, collaborative efforts, and networking for the enhancement of programs in instruction, research, extension, and resource generation; and
- undertake researches in the arts and sciences for curricular enrichment, community empowerment, and human development
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
Program Outcomes
- Compare, contrast and classify the major concepts in the discipline
- Recognize and define the distinctiveness of the discipline, its fields, theories and methods
- Design and execute research inquiries using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methods guided by theories or conceptual frameworks
- Demonstrate written, visual and oral presentation skills to produce and present analytical reports
- Critique, judge and respond to current issues and problems based on a substantive understanding of the historical and contemporary developments in the national and global contexts.
- Develop a predisposition towards ethical political involvement and practice in various forms and on different levels of engagement
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
Program Goals
These program aim to equip students with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitude, and a commitment to uphold professional ethics and standards in the practice of journalism, as well as the capacity to anticipate and respond to the needs of rapidly developing media.
Program Outcomes
Graduates of AB in Journalism may pursue a career path in different companies and organizations within the press and media industry including local newspaper organizations, magazine companies, online publications, public relations and advertising firms, television networks, and radio companies.
They may apply as a media researcher, reporter, feature writer, layout artist, creative writer, sports writer, travel writer, photojournalist, editorial assistant, columnist, or public relations officer.
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
Program Goals
The program specifically aims to:
- Develop critical and creative thinking
- Empower students with the ability to form sound value judgment; and
- Equip students with skills necessary for research along and across multi-disciplines
Program Outcomes
- Demonstrate critical thinking and cogent argumentation.
- Understand and analyze and apply theories to concrete situations.
- Evaluate judiciously the essence of philosophical learning of the True, the Good, and the Just.
- Communicate philosophical understanding and insight within the appropriate cultural perspective.
Graduate Attributes and Outcomes
- For professional institutions: a service orientation in one’s profession
- For colleges: an ability to participate in various types of employment, development activities, and public discourses particularly in response of the needs of the communities one serves
- For universities: an ability to participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Program Goals
AB Psychology – This program produces graduates with a solid basic knowledge and skills in psychology.
BS Pschology – The objectives are the same as in AB Psychology but with additional preparation in the natural sciences
Program Outcomes
- Demonstrate the capability to discuss and analyze the major theories and concepts in psychology (knowledge in psychology).
- Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in personal and building knowledge on local culture and context (psychological research).
- Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal and professional setting (application of psychology).
- Demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in graduate education or in a professional context (independent learning)
- Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice in Psychology (ethics)
- Demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, clients and others (interpersonal skills) in diverse cultural setting.
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and evaluation (psychological assessment)
Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Program Outcomes
BS Social Work — in an era where social development issues, challenges and responses are interconnected globally, the social work profession has become a global profession. Accordingly, the BSSW program in the Philippines integrates internationally benchmarked outcomes without ignoring the particularities and priorities of the national situation. These international outcomes are contained in the document “Global Standards for the Education and Training of the Social Work Profession” which was adopted in the General Assemblies of the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and the International Association of Schools of Social Work CASSV) in Adelaide, Australia in 2004.
The starting point of the BSSW program is the global definition of social work that was adopted in July 2014, i.e., “Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledges, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing.”
The graduates of BS Social Work program have the ability to:
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes in engaging in a generalist helping process and planned change process for therapeutic, protective, preventive, and transformative purposes.
- Analyze critically the origin, development, and purposes of social work in the Philippines.
- Critique the impacts of global and national socio-structural inadequacies, discrimination, and oppression on a quality of life.
- Apply knowledge of human behavior and social environment with emphasis on the person-in-situation dynamic for social work assessment and intervention.
- Critique social welfare policies, programs, and services of the locality, country and/ or region in terms of relevance, responsiveness, accessibility and availability to target populations.
- Engage in advocacy work to promote socio-economic and cultural rights and well-being.
- Generate sources for networking and partnership development.
- Identify with social work profession and conduct oneself in accordance with social work values and ethical principles.
- Engage in social work practices that promote diversity and difference in client systems.
- Use supervision to develop critical self-reflective practice for personal and professional growth.
- Produce a portfolio of recordings, case studies and other social work documentation to reflect the quality and progress of practice.
- Uphold the Salettinian values of faith, reconciliation, integrity, excellence and solidarity in the fulfilment of their social responsibilities as social workers
Graduate Attributes and Outcomes
- Graduates of professional institutions demonstrate a service orientation in their profession
- Graduates of colleges participate in various types of employment, development activities and public discourses, particularly in response to the needs of the communities they serve
- Graduates of universities participates in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects