League of Sports Directors Region II President and University Prefect of Discipline, Mr. Arsenio Asuncion, present at the 2nd Annual Tertiary Sports Leaders Congress held at Hive Hotel & Convention Place, last April 23-25.
This year’s theme, “Elevating Tertiary Sports Excellence: Charting the Future of Sports Leadership” aims to strengthen tertiary sports in today’s time. It was discussed in the said event the idea of passing a bill that includes creating an annual sports event participated by both public and private colleges.
As of now, National Sporting Events in the Tertiary Level is divided into two: Private Schools Athletic Association (PRISAA) and State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA).
May 15, 2024 is the opening day of the Regional PRISAA Region II where Santiago City is the Hosting Delegation. The said event contributed in building the sporting event better.